It's the age-old problem. Fix one thing and it only calls attention to the work that has yet to be done. Now I consider my Cabriolet to be a nice car, but there's room for improvement to a fussy guy like me. (There's that "f" word again.)
Where to start? Let's start with the interior and some of the more obvious flaws.
The center armrest was visibly discolored and worn. That's 18 years of sun and wear from the driver's right forearm.
Voila! Thanks to the fact that this part is also found on W124 sedans, I was able to track down another center armrest in 265 beige.
One of the classic flaws on these cars are broken vanity mirror lids. Mine was no exception. The lid on the driver's visor was missing altogether and the lid on the passenger side was broken and just barely hanging on. Now don't confuse these pesky guys with mirrors on the sedans; these were only found on two Mercedes roadsters—the A124 Cabriolet and the R129 SL from the same era. They're still available new, but pricey, so your choices are to pay a premium or to wait for a parts car in your color. (Also note the cupholder in passenger-side door panel. This part was added, then removed by the previous owner, leaving me no choice but to cover the holes with another cupholder.)
Vanity mirrors for my vanity purchase. (Note passenger door panel also replaced. No cupholder!)
After 18 years, the rubber on the upper & lower impact bumpers decays.
The trunk has always operated just fine with good, even gaps as well, so I can't say that the trunk closes any better, but it sure looks better.
More to come.....
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